RASHI PHALA Forecast Prediction Based On Zodiac Signs
(By The Help Of First Letters Of The Name)
1) ARIES- (CHOO, CHE, CHO, LAA, LEE, LOO, LE, LO, A): People, whose name starts with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Aries. An Arien has restless and shifty eyes, is inflicted with diseases, protects religion, unfaithful, respected by the king, gives pleasures to his wife, charitable, fears rivers, ponds etc., hard working, is full of tranquility in his old age.
2) TAURUS- (EE, UU, AE, O, VAA, BEE, VOO, VE and VO): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac sign of Taurus. A Taurean person is charitable, sensualist, pious, virtuous, valiant, wealthy, a seeker of sensual pleasures, is full of radiance and has good friends.
3) GEMINI – (KAA, KI, KOO, GHA, ANGA, CHHA, KE, KO, HA): People, whose names start with any of the above mentioned letters fall under the zodiac of Gemini. A Geminian person has a melodious voice, talks sweetly, has restless eyes, is kind hearted, very lusty, is prone to suffer from the throat diseases, famous, wealthy, is fair complexioned and tall, clever orator, genius, is of firm resolution, efficient in work, and remains judicious in every situation.
4) CANCER- (HEE, HOO, HE, HO, DAA, DEE, DOO, DE DO): People whose names start with any of the above mentioned letters fall under the zodiac sign of Cancer. A Cancerian person is engaged in his works, is wealthy, has patience, serves his teacher, suffers from pain in his head, very clever, has a frail body, lives in a foreign land, sorrowful, keeps good company, has a high degree of intelligence.
5) LEO – (MA, MEE, MOO, ME, MO, TA, TEE, TOO, TE): Those people whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac sign of Leo. A Leon person forgives easily, loves to travel, likes to eat non-veg. food, is full of fear, keeps good company, is humble, has excessive anger, devoted to his parents and achieves fame.
6) VIRGO- (TO, PA, PEE, POO, SHA, NA, THHA, PE, PO): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Virgo. A Virgoan person is a sensualist, respects the virtuous people, religious, clever, charitable, poet, follower of the Vedas, lover of humanity, interested in dance and music, likes to travel, and is troubled by his wife.
7) LIBRA- (RA, REE, ROO, RE, RO, TAA, TEE, TOO, TE): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Libra. A Libran person gets angry unnecessarily, is mournful, talks sweetly, kind hearted, has restless eyes, mixed fortunes, authority inside the house but powerless outside, a devotee and likes to travel.
8) SCORPIO- (TO, NA, NEE, NOO, NE, NO, YAA, YEE, YOU): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Scorpio. A Scorpion is a traveller from his childhood, has yellow eyes, lusty, proud, behaves roughly with his relatives, acquires wealth through hard work, and is wicked towards his mother.
9) SAGITTARIUS- (YE, YO, BHA, BHEE, BHOO, DHAA, FAA, DHAA, DHE): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the sign of Sagittarius. A Sagittarin is of steady intelligence, pious and virtuous, has a loving nature, has knowledge of fine arts like drawing and painting, science, is wealthy, has a wife full of good qualities, sweet-talker, has a heavy physique and in some rare cases, a destroyer of his family.
10) CAPRICORN- (BHO, JA, JEE, KHEE, KHE, KHO, GA, GEE, KHOO): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Capricorn. A Capricornian has the least importance and value in his family, is under the influence of his wife, scholar, undertakes charitable work, respects his mother, is wealthy, has obedient servants, is kind hearted, has a large family, and lot of worries also.
11) AQUARIUS- (GOO, GE, GO, SAA, SI, SOO, SE, SO, DA): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Aquarius. An Aquarian is charitable, lazy, benevolent, owns the most expensive vehicles, wealthy, is blessed with beautiful eyes, has a simple nature. He endeavors to acquire wealth and knowledge, achieves fame on account of his virtuosity and kindness, is fearless and enjoys his wealth
12) PISCES- (DEE, DOO, THA, JHA, INYAN, DE, DO, CHAA, CHEE): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Pisces. A Piscian is of serious nature, brave, talks cleverly, but often has excessive anger, tight-fisted, loved by his family, a devotee, a very fast walker, efficient in charity and knowledge, virtuous and receives affection and love from his friends and family members.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on RASHI
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:36 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, RASHI
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on LAGNA
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:35 PM Labels: Horoscope, LAGNA, Nature
LAGNA PHALA (Ascendants Influence)
1) MESHA LAGNA (Aries Ascendant): If Aries (Mesha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Mesha. A person born in this ascendant is proud, wealthy, virtuous, having excessive anger, valiant but is still dependent on others.
2) VRISHABHA LAGHA (Taurus Ascendant):If Taurus (Vrishabha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Vrishabha. A person born in this ascendant is a pleasant talker, is a scholar and loves all.
3) MITHUNA LAGNA (Gemini Ascendant):If Gemini (Mithun) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Mithun. A person born in this ascendant is proud, loves his friends, charitable, seeks sensual pleasures, is wealthy. He is lusty, annihilator of his enemies, and progresses slowly in life .
4) KARKA LAGNA (Cancer Ascendant):If Cancer (Karka) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Karka. A person born in this ascendant is religious but also seeks sensual pleasures, loves sweets, handsome and admires virtuous people.
5) SIMHA LAGNA (Leo Ascendant): If Leo (Simha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Simha. A person born in Leo ascendant is a sensualist, an annihilator of his enemies, eats little, has few children, is an enthusiast and shows bravery and valiance in the battlefield.
6) KANYA LAGNA (Virgo Ascendant):If Virgo (Kanya) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Kanya. A person born in this ascendant is endowed with beauty, has knowledge of the scriptures, has a good fortune, but is lusty.
7) TULA LAGNA (Libra Ascendant):If Libra (Tula) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Tula. A person born in this ascendant is a scholar, earns his livelihood by virtuous means, proficient in arts, wealthy and is respected by everybody.
8) VRISHCHIKA LAGNA (Scorpio Ascendant):If Scorpio (Vrishchika) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Vrishchika. A person born in this particular ascendant is wealthy and a scholar.
9) DHANU LAGNA (Sagittarius Ascendant): If Sagittarius (Dhanu) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Dhanu. A person born in this ascendant is an expert in policy matters, religious, intelligent and an important person in his family.
10) MAKARA LAGNA (Capricorn Ascendant):If Capricorn (Makara) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Makara. A person born in this ascendant is inclined towards evil deeds, has many children, is greedy, lazy but hard working.
11) KUMBHA LAGNA (Aquarius Ascendant):If Aquarius (Kumbha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Kumbha. A person born in this ascendant has a steady mind, is promiscuous, slow at work but leads a happy and contented life.
12) MEENA LAGNA (Pisces Ascendant):If Pisces (Meena) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Meena. A person born in this ascendant is wealthy and has a frail body.
1) MESHA LAGNA (Aries Ascendant): If Aries (Mesha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Mesha. A person born in this ascendant is proud, wealthy, virtuous, having excessive anger, valiant but is still dependent on others.
2) VRISHABHA LAGHA (Taurus Ascendant):If Taurus (Vrishabha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Vrishabha. A person born in this ascendant is a pleasant talker, is a scholar and loves all.
3) MITHUNA LAGNA (Gemini Ascendant):If Gemini (Mithun) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Mithun. A person born in this ascendant is proud, loves his friends, charitable, seeks sensual pleasures, is wealthy. He is lusty, annihilator of his enemies, and progresses slowly in life .
4) KARKA LAGNA (Cancer Ascendant):If Cancer (Karka) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Karka. A person born in this ascendant is religious but also seeks sensual pleasures, loves sweets, handsome and admires virtuous people.
5) SIMHA LAGNA (Leo Ascendant): If Leo (Simha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Simha. A person born in Leo ascendant is a sensualist, an annihilator of his enemies, eats little, has few children, is an enthusiast and shows bravery and valiance in the battlefield.
6) KANYA LAGNA (Virgo Ascendant):If Virgo (Kanya) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Kanya. A person born in this ascendant is endowed with beauty, has knowledge of the scriptures, has a good fortune, but is lusty.
7) TULA LAGNA (Libra Ascendant):If Libra (Tula) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Tula. A person born in this ascendant is a scholar, earns his livelihood by virtuous means, proficient in arts, wealthy and is respected by everybody.
8) VRISHCHIKA LAGNA (Scorpio Ascendant):If Scorpio (Vrishchika) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Vrishchika. A person born in this particular ascendant is wealthy and a scholar.
9) DHANU LAGNA (Sagittarius Ascendant): If Sagittarius (Dhanu) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Dhanu. A person born in this ascendant is an expert in policy matters, religious, intelligent and an important person in his family.
10) MAKARA LAGNA (Capricorn Ascendant):If Capricorn (Makara) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Makara. A person born in this ascendant is inclined towards evil deeds, has many children, is greedy, lazy but hard working.
11) KUMBHA LAGNA (Aquarius Ascendant):If Aquarius (Kumbha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Kumbha. A person born in this ascendant has a steady mind, is promiscuous, slow at work but leads a happy and contented life.
12) MEENA LAGNA (Pisces Ascendant):If Pisces (Meena) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Meena. A person born in this ascendant is wealthy and has a frail body.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on Yoni
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:34 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, Yoni
YONI PHALAM - Forecast Through Class Of Division Of Man
1) ASHVA YONI (Horse class): A person born in this class, is independent, full of qualities, has expertise in playing musical instruments and is a devotee.
2) GAJA YONI (Elephant class): A person born in this class, is honoured by the authority, is powerful, a sensualist and an enthusiast.
3) CHAAGA YONI (Goat class): A person born in this class, is a flirt, an enthusiast, expert in conversational skill but has a short life.
4) SARPA YONI (Snake class): A person born in this class, is angry, cruel, unfaithful and misappropriator of others' wealth.
5) SHWANA YONI (Dog’s class): A person born in this class, is enthusiastic, a rebel of his caste, a devotee of his parents.
6) MAARJAAT YONI (Cat class): A person born in this class, is efficient in his occupation, loves sweetmeats and is unkind.
7) MESHA YONI (Ram class): A person born in this class, is valiant, loves battle, wealthy and benevolent.
8) MUSHAKA YONI (Rat class): A person born in this class, is intelligent, wealthy, always ready to do his work, and a skeptic.
9) SIMHA YONI (Lion class): A person born in this class, is religious, virtuous, practical, full of qualities and the best person in his family.
10) MAHEESHA YONI (Buffalo class): A person born in this class, is a fighter and warrior, lusty, has many children, religious and has excessive wind element in his body.
11) VYAGHRA YONI (Tiger class): A person born in this class, is of independent nature, efficient in accumulating wealth, receptor of virtuous preaching and full of self praise.
12) MRIGA YONI (Deer class): A person born in this class, is of independent nature, earns his livelihood with excellent means, always speaks truth, has love and affection towards his dependents and is brave.
13) VAANAR YONI (Monkey class): A person born in this class is of restless nature, loves sweetmeats, quarrelsome, lusty and has good, obedient children.
14) NAKULA YONI (Mongoose class): A person born in this class is benevolent, wealthy of high order, obeys his parents.
1) ASHVA YONI (Horse class): A person born in this class, is independent, full of qualities, has expertise in playing musical instruments and is a devotee.
2) GAJA YONI (Elephant class): A person born in this class, is honoured by the authority, is powerful, a sensualist and an enthusiast.
3) CHAAGA YONI (Goat class): A person born in this class, is a flirt, an enthusiast, expert in conversational skill but has a short life.
4) SARPA YONI (Snake class): A person born in this class, is angry, cruel, unfaithful and misappropriator of others' wealth.
5) SHWANA YONI (Dog’s class): A person born in this class, is enthusiastic, a rebel of his caste, a devotee of his parents.
6) MAARJAAT YONI (Cat class): A person born in this class, is efficient in his occupation, loves sweetmeats and is unkind.
7) MESHA YONI (Ram class): A person born in this class, is valiant, loves battle, wealthy and benevolent.
8) MUSHAKA YONI (Rat class): A person born in this class, is intelligent, wealthy, always ready to do his work, and a skeptic.
9) SIMHA YONI (Lion class): A person born in this class, is religious, virtuous, practical, full of qualities and the best person in his family.
10) MAHEESHA YONI (Buffalo class): A person born in this class, is a fighter and warrior, lusty, has many children, religious and has excessive wind element in his body.
11) VYAGHRA YONI (Tiger class): A person born in this class, is of independent nature, efficient in accumulating wealth, receptor of virtuous preaching and full of self praise.
12) MRIGA YONI (Deer class): A person born in this class, is of independent nature, earns his livelihood with excellent means, always speaks truth, has love and affection towards his dependents and is brave.
13) VAANAR YONI (Monkey class): A person born in this class is of restless nature, loves sweetmeats, quarrelsome, lusty and has good, obedient children.
14) NAKULA YONI (Mongoose class): A person born in this class is benevolent, wealthy of high order, obeys his parents.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on GANA
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:34 PM Labels: GANA, Horoscope, Nature
GANA PHALAM - Forecast Through The Three Categories
1) DEVA GANA PHALA: A person who is born in this 'Gana', has a pleasant voice, a kind heart, eats little, appreciates others' qualities and is wealthy.
2) MANUSHYA GANA PHALA: A person born in 'Manushya Gana Phala' is religious, proud, wealthy, kind-hearted, proficient in arts, radiant and disciplined.
3) RAKSHASA GANA PHALA: A person born in this Gana is very talkative, patient and quarrelsome.
1) DEVA GANA PHALA: A person who is born in this 'Gana', has a pleasant voice, a kind heart, eats little, appreciates others' qualities and is wealthy.
2) MANUSHYA GANA PHALA: A person born in 'Manushya Gana Phala' is religious, proud, wealthy, kind-hearted, proficient in arts, radiant and disciplined.
3) RAKSHASA GANA PHALA: A person born in this Gana is very talkative, patient and quarrelsome.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on KARANA
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:33 PM Labels: Horoscope, KARANA, Nature
KARANA PHALA ( Forecast Through Karana )
1) BALA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is lusty, kind hearted, endowed with beauty and has a pleasant nature, is a scholar, fortunate and is wealthy.
2) BAALAV KARANA: A person born in this Karana is brave, sensualist, poet, charitable and intelligent.
3) KAULAVA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is loved by everybody, independent and a soft talker.
4) TAITILA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is tender and delicate, blessed with beauty, proficient in various arts, an excellent orator, intelligent but has shifty eyes.
5) GARA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is benevolent, respectable, discriminative, and clever, defeats his enemies, generous and is blessed with beauty.
6) VANIJA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is proficient in art, ever smiling, has knowledge and makes profit in business.
7) VISHTI KARANA: A person born in this Karana is blessed with beauty, restless, powerful, a winner and sleeps too much.
8) SHAKUNEE KARANA: A person born in this Karana is efficient in knowledge of scriptures, ever alert, fortunate and has knowledge of the auspicious moments.
9) CHATUSPADA KARANA:The person born in this Karana lacks virtuosity, incapable of accumulating wealth, has a frail and weak body, and is engaged in rearing animals.
10) NAAGA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is of evil nature, restless and unsteady, wicked, has excessive anger, and spoils his family's reputation.
11) KINSTUGHNA KARANA: A person born in this Karana treats his friends and enemies alike and is full of lust and weak.
1) BALA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is lusty, kind hearted, endowed with beauty and has a pleasant nature, is a scholar, fortunate and is wealthy.
2) BAALAV KARANA: A person born in this Karana is brave, sensualist, poet, charitable and intelligent.
3) KAULAVA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is loved by everybody, independent and a soft talker.
4) TAITILA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is tender and delicate, blessed with beauty, proficient in various arts, an excellent orator, intelligent but has shifty eyes.
5) GARA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is benevolent, respectable, discriminative, and clever, defeats his enemies, generous and is blessed with beauty.
6) VANIJA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is proficient in art, ever smiling, has knowledge and makes profit in business.
7) VISHTI KARANA: A person born in this Karana is blessed with beauty, restless, powerful, a winner and sleeps too much.
8) SHAKUNEE KARANA: A person born in this Karana is efficient in knowledge of scriptures, ever alert, fortunate and has knowledge of the auspicious moments.
9) CHATUSPADA KARANA:The person born in this Karana lacks virtuosity, incapable of accumulating wealth, has a frail and weak body, and is engaged in rearing animals.
10) NAAGA KARANA: A person born in this Karana is of evil nature, restless and unsteady, wicked, has excessive anger, and spoils his family's reputation.
11) KINSTUGHNA KARANA: A person born in this Karana treats his friends and enemies alike and is full of lust and weak.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on YOGA
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:33 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, Yoga
YOGA PHALA - Forecast By The Help Of Different Yoga (Combinations)
1) VISHAKUMBHA PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, has a happy and satisfied family life, is of independent nature and cares for his physical appearance.
2) PREETI Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is an excellent orator, is blessed with beauty, charitable, is of jolly nature and is a virtuous man feels happy seeing others happy.
3) AAYUSHMAAN Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, likes to travel, endeavors to search for the different possibilities of earning his livelihood, and enjoys a long life.
4) SAUBHAGYA Yoga PHALA: If a person is born in this Yoga, he is rich, has tremendous knowledge, follows virtuous paths and is fortunate but proud.
5) SHOBHANA Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is endowed with beauty, has presence of mind, is intelligent and always on the path of virtuosity.
6) ATIGANDA Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is very arrogant, is afflicted by pain in his throat, cunning, a quarrelsome and a hypocrite.
7) SUKARMA Yoga: A person born in this Yoga is of jolly nature, master of arts, brave, an enthusiast, a benefactor and follows the path of virtuosity.
8) DHRITIYoga: A person born in this Yoga has knowledge, loves to live happily, humble with patience and follows routine life.
9) SHOOLA Yoga: A person, born in theis Yoga, is poor, suffers form diseases, does evil deeds, an idiot and suffers from colic in his stomach or rheumatic pain.
10) GANDA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is unhelping, has rough and hard nature and has excessive anger.
11) VRIDDHI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is an accumulator of things, makes profit in his business is clever and fortunate.
12) DHRUVA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is blessed by goddess Laxmi as well as by Saraswati, has knowledge and unblemished fame.
13) VYAAGHAAT Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is cruel, a liar is abusive and calumniator and is of violent nature.
14) HARKHANA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, has a delicate and tender body, interested in the study of sacred books, loves ornaments and an annihilator of his enemies.
15) SIDDHI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is of generous heart, clever, has a sweet and soft behaviour, believes in sacred texts, is fortunate and has the knowledge of the self.
16) VAJRA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is intelligent, powerful speaks the truth, has the ability to judge the authenticity of the jewels, and loves ornaments.
17) VYATIPAAT Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, obeys his parents, is inflicted with veneral diseases, rough and hard natured and always tries to obstruct others' efforts.
18) VARREYAN Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is a sensualist, humble, spends free- handedly inspite of possessing little wealth and is inclined towards virtuosity.
19) PAREEGHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, gives false witness, bails out many people from the prison, has little hunger and defeats his enemy.
20) SHIVA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, has knowledge of the sacred hymns, has his sense organs under control, blessed with beauty, is fortunate and is blessed by the Lord Shiva.
21) SIDDHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has his sense organs under control, efficient in every faculty and an accomplisher of many tasks.
22) SAADHYA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is humble, clever, jolly, efficient in his occupation, always a winner, and attains the blessings of his deity with the powers of mantras.
23) SHUBHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is virtuous, soft-spoken and a preacher of virtuosity.
24) SHUKLA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has full control over his sense organs, has power and strength, is an efficient debator and a winner in the battle.
25) BRAHMA Yoga: A person, born in Brahma Yoga, is very studious, a follower of virtuous path, respectable, has tranquility and peace of mind, is generous.
26) ENDRA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is powerful, radiant, has excess of phlegm in his body and the best person in his family.
27) VAIDHRITI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is of restless nature, condemns order, is cruel, a believer in the sayings of the sacred books yet possesses dirty thoughts and heart.
1) VISHAKUMBHA PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, has a happy and satisfied family life, is of independent nature and cares for his physical appearance.
2) PREETI Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is an excellent orator, is blessed with beauty, charitable, is of jolly nature and is a virtuous man feels happy seeing others happy.
3) AAYUSHMAAN Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, likes to travel, endeavors to search for the different possibilities of earning his livelihood, and enjoys a long life.
4) SAUBHAGYA Yoga PHALA: If a person is born in this Yoga, he is rich, has tremendous knowledge, follows virtuous paths and is fortunate but proud.
5) SHOBHANA Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is endowed with beauty, has presence of mind, is intelligent and always on the path of virtuosity.
6) ATIGANDA Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is very arrogant, is afflicted by pain in his throat, cunning, a quarrelsome and a hypocrite.
7) SUKARMA Yoga: A person born in this Yoga is of jolly nature, master of arts, brave, an enthusiast, a benefactor and follows the path of virtuosity.
8) DHRITIYoga: A person born in this Yoga has knowledge, loves to live happily, humble with patience and follows routine life.
9) SHOOLA Yoga: A person, born in theis Yoga, is poor, suffers form diseases, does evil deeds, an idiot and suffers from colic in his stomach or rheumatic pain.
10) GANDA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is unhelping, has rough and hard nature and has excessive anger.
11) VRIDDHI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is an accumulator of things, makes profit in his business is clever and fortunate.
12) DHRUVA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is blessed by goddess Laxmi as well as by Saraswati, has knowledge and unblemished fame.
13) VYAAGHAAT Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is cruel, a liar is abusive and calumniator and is of violent nature.
14) HARKHANA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, has a delicate and tender body, interested in the study of sacred books, loves ornaments and an annihilator of his enemies.
15) SIDDHI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is of generous heart, clever, has a sweet and soft behaviour, believes in sacred texts, is fortunate and has the knowledge of the self.
16) VAJRA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is intelligent, powerful speaks the truth, has the ability to judge the authenticity of the jewels, and loves ornaments.
17) VYATIPAAT Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, obeys his parents, is inflicted with veneral diseases, rough and hard natured and always tries to obstruct others' efforts.
18) VARREYAN Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is a sensualist, humble, spends free- handedly inspite of possessing little wealth and is inclined towards virtuosity.
19) PAREEGHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, gives false witness, bails out many people from the prison, has little hunger and defeats his enemy.
20) SHIVA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, has knowledge of the sacred hymns, has his sense organs under control, blessed with beauty, is fortunate and is blessed by the Lord Shiva.
21) SIDDHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has his sense organs under control, efficient in every faculty and an accomplisher of many tasks.
22) SAADHYA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is humble, clever, jolly, efficient in his occupation, always a winner, and attains the blessings of his deity with the powers of mantras.
23) SHUBHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is virtuous, soft-spoken and a preacher of virtuosity.
24) SHUKLA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has full control over his sense organs, has power and strength, is an efficient debator and a winner in the battle.
25) BRAHMA Yoga: A person, born in Brahma Yoga, is very studious, a follower of virtuous path, respectable, has tranquility and peace of mind, is generous.
26) ENDRA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is powerful, radiant, has excess of phlegm in his body and the best person in his family.
27) VAIDHRITI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is of restless nature, condemns order, is cruel, a believer in the sayings of the sacred books yet possesses dirty thoughts and heart.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on NAKSHATRA(Star) of Birth
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:32 PM Labels: Horoscope, NAKSHATRA, Nature, Star
There are many means, which helps in making predictions or help in understanding the 'PLALITA' (foretelling the future with the help of the positions of the planet in the twelve houses of the birth chart) branch of astrology.
Nakshatra (Constellation) is one of the means to understand it, because even the planets are powerful or powerless or weak due to the effects of the Nakshatras. There are 28 Nakshatras in all.
1) ASHWINEE: A person born in this Nakshatra is inclined towards serving others, is humble by nature, is truthful, has a contented family life.
2) BHARANEE: If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he is cruel, ungrateful and no sense of indebtness, achieves notoriety, fears water,is restless and wicked.
3) KRITIKA: A person born in this Nakshatra is brilliant and radiant, a learned man, clever, possesses wealth, accomplishes seemingly impossible tasks.
4) ROHINEE: A person born in this Nakshatra is efficient in religious activities, earns his livelihood through agricultural occupation, is endowed with beauty, is a master-conversationalist, a genius and efficient in arts.
5) MRIGASHIRA: A person born in this Nakshatra is a sharp shooter, loved by the king and follows virtuous path.
6) AARDRA: A person born is this Nakshatra has a great appetite, is of restless nature and cruel.
7) PUNARVASU: A person born in this Nakshatra has numerous friends, is a practitioner of sacred texts and scriptures, possesses gems, jewels and ornaments etc. and is charitable.
8) POOSHYA: If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he has a healthy body, obeys his parents, religious, humble, fortunate and possesses wealth and vehicles etc.
9) AASHLESHA: A person born in 'Aashlesha Nakshatra' is a born wanderer i.e. travels unnecessarily, wicked, causes anguish to others, spends his wealth for evil purposes, and is a sensualist.
(i) If a person is born in the first part of this Nakshatra, he is impotent.
(ii) If a person is born in the second part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, he is a servant always serving others.
(iii) If a person is born in the third part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, he suffers from diseases.
(iv) A person born in the fourth part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, though fortunate, has a few years of his life cut short because of a 'GANDA' (inauspicious combination of the Nakshatras) at the end of this Nakshatra.
Therefore, irrespective of the part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra in which a person is born, an effort should be made to pacify this Nakshatra by performing the required rites.
10) MAGHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is strong-hearted, respects his father, is a learned man, intelligent and is a winner.
11) PURVA PHALGUNI: A person born in this Nakshatra is very brave, fosters many people, clever but cunning, lusty and rough.
12) UTTARA PHALGUNI: A person born in this Nakshatra is charitable, kind hearted, possesses patience, and achieves fame.
13) HASTA: A person born in this Nakshatra is famous, is religious minded, respects Brahmins and learned people and possesses wealth.
14) CHITRA: A person born in this Nakshatra defeats his enemies gallantly, is an expert in politics and has extraordinary intelligence.
15) SWATI: A person born in this Nakshatra is endowed with tremendous beauty, flirts with many women, is jolly and receives wealth from the king.
16) VISHAKHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is religious minded having inclination towards performing rites and rituals etc., is of unstable nature and unfriendly.
17) ANURADHA: A person born in this Nakshatra possesses lustre and splendour, achieves fame, is enthusiastic, a destroyer of his enemies, an expert in many forms of arts and a sensualist.
(i) If a person is born in the first part of this Nakshatra, he is full of lustre and splendour, achieves fame and greatness, is rich, brave, a hero and an excellent conversationalist.
(ii) If born in the second part, he is of very cruel nature and quarelling nature.
(iii) If born in the third part, he follows the evil path.
(v) Although a person born in the fourth part, has many sons, but because of the influence of the 'Ganda Nakshatra', it causes anguish and pain.
Therefore it is necessary to pacify the planets by performing the required rituals and rites.
Except the fourth part, the initial three parts of this Nakshatra are considered as inauspicious and a person born in these periods causes destruction to his family as follows:
1. If born in the first part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to his father.
2. If born in the second part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to his mother.
3. If born in the third part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to the family wealth.
20) SHRAVANI: A person born in this Nakshatra is well versed in the sacred texts and scriptures, has many sons and friends, and destroys his enemies.
21) DHANISHTHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is of excellent behaviour, practical, rich, powerful and kind hearted.
22) SATBHISHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is brave, clever and destroys his enemies.
23) POORVA BHADRAPADA: A person born in this Nakshatra has full control over his sense organs, is intelligent, an expert in all art forms, and destroys his enemies.
24) UTTARA BHADRAPADA: A person born in this Nakshatra is rich and famous,and follows the virtuous path.
25) REVATI: A person born in this Nakshatra has amicable nature, controls his senses, acquires wealth by just means and possesses sharp intelligence.
Nakshatra (Constellation) is one of the means to understand it, because even the planets are powerful or powerless or weak due to the effects of the Nakshatras. There are 28 Nakshatras in all.
1) ASHWINEE: A person born in this Nakshatra is inclined towards serving others, is humble by nature, is truthful, has a contented family life.
2) BHARANEE: If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he is cruel, ungrateful and no sense of indebtness, achieves notoriety, fears water,is restless and wicked.
3) KRITIKA: A person born in this Nakshatra is brilliant and radiant, a learned man, clever, possesses wealth, accomplishes seemingly impossible tasks.
4) ROHINEE: A person born in this Nakshatra is efficient in religious activities, earns his livelihood through agricultural occupation, is endowed with beauty, is a master-conversationalist, a genius and efficient in arts.
5) MRIGASHIRA: A person born in this Nakshatra is a sharp shooter, loved by the king and follows virtuous path.
6) AARDRA: A person born is this Nakshatra has a great appetite, is of restless nature and cruel.
7) PUNARVASU: A person born in this Nakshatra has numerous friends, is a practitioner of sacred texts and scriptures, possesses gems, jewels and ornaments etc. and is charitable.
8) POOSHYA: If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he has a healthy body, obeys his parents, religious, humble, fortunate and possesses wealth and vehicles etc.
9) AASHLESHA: A person born in 'Aashlesha Nakshatra' is a born wanderer i.e. travels unnecessarily, wicked, causes anguish to others, spends his wealth for evil purposes, and is a sensualist.
(i) If a person is born in the first part of this Nakshatra, he is impotent.
(ii) If a person is born in the second part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, he is a servant always serving others.
(iii) If a person is born in the third part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, he suffers from diseases.
(iv) A person born in the fourth part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, though fortunate, has a few years of his life cut short because of a 'GANDA' (inauspicious combination of the Nakshatras) at the end of this Nakshatra.
Therefore, irrespective of the part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra in which a person is born, an effort should be made to pacify this Nakshatra by performing the required rites.
10) MAGHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is strong-hearted, respects his father, is a learned man, intelligent and is a winner.
11) PURVA PHALGUNI: A person born in this Nakshatra is very brave, fosters many people, clever but cunning, lusty and rough.
12) UTTARA PHALGUNI: A person born in this Nakshatra is charitable, kind hearted, possesses patience, and achieves fame.
13) HASTA: A person born in this Nakshatra is famous, is religious minded, respects Brahmins and learned people and possesses wealth.
14) CHITRA: A person born in this Nakshatra defeats his enemies gallantly, is an expert in politics and has extraordinary intelligence.
15) SWATI: A person born in this Nakshatra is endowed with tremendous beauty, flirts with many women, is jolly and receives wealth from the king.
16) VISHAKHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is religious minded having inclination towards performing rites and rituals etc., is of unstable nature and unfriendly.
17) ANURADHA: A person born in this Nakshatra possesses lustre and splendour, achieves fame, is enthusiastic, a destroyer of his enemies, an expert in many forms of arts and a sensualist.
(i) If a person is born in the first part of this Nakshatra, he is full of lustre and splendour, achieves fame and greatness, is rich, brave, a hero and an excellent conversationalist.
(ii) If born in the second part, he is of very cruel nature and quarelling nature.
(iii) If born in the third part, he follows the evil path.
(v) Although a person born in the fourth part, has many sons, but because of the influence of the 'Ganda Nakshatra', it causes anguish and pain.
Therefore it is necessary to pacify the planets by performing the required rituals and rites.
Except the fourth part, the initial three parts of this Nakshatra are considered as inauspicious and a person born in these periods causes destruction to his family as follows:
1. If born in the first part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to his father.
2. If born in the second part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to his mother.
3. If born in the third part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to the family wealth.
20) SHRAVANI: A person born in this Nakshatra is well versed in the sacred texts and scriptures, has many sons and friends, and destroys his enemies.
21) DHANISHTHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is of excellent behaviour, practical, rich, powerful and kind hearted.
22) SATBHISHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is brave, clever and destroys his enemies.
23) POORVA BHADRAPADA: A person born in this Nakshatra has full control over his sense organs, is intelligent, an expert in all art forms, and destroys his enemies.
24) UTTARA BHADRAPADA: A person born in this Nakshatra is rich and famous,and follows the virtuous path.
25) REVATI: A person born in this Nakshatra has amicable nature, controls his senses, acquires wealth by just means and possesses sharp intelligence.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on DIN (Day) of birth
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:31 PM Labels: day, DIN, Horoscope, Nature
SUNDAY: A person is born on a Sunday, is brave, with little hair, a winner, enthusiastic, brilliant, has excessive element of bile in his body and is dark in colour.
MONDAY: A person born on Monday is a scholar, possesses tranquility, talks sweetly, well-behaved and has discriminative intelligence.
TUESDAY: Loves battles and wars, earns his livelihood with the help of land, is inclined towards virtuous actions and has a sharp nature.
WEDNESDAY: If born on this day, a person is blessed with beauty, talks sweetly, possesses wealth, is expert in art forms, well-behaved in his conducts.
THURSDAY: If born on this day, a person is a scholar, possesses numerous qualities, wealth, is endowed with beauty, acquires powers (Siddhis) and is loved by his elders.
FRIDAY: A person born on this day, has curly hair, is jolly, intelligent, loves clothes of white and light colours and inclined towards virtuous path.
SATURDAY: If a person is born on this day, he gets affected by premature aging, possesses weak and a feeble body.
MONDAY: A person born on Monday is a scholar, possesses tranquility, talks sweetly, well-behaved and has discriminative intelligence.
TUESDAY: Loves battles and wars, earns his livelihood with the help of land, is inclined towards virtuous actions and has a sharp nature.
WEDNESDAY: If born on this day, a person is blessed with beauty, talks sweetly, possesses wealth, is expert in art forms, well-behaved in his conducts.
THURSDAY: If born on this day, a person is a scholar, possesses numerous qualities, wealth, is endowed with beauty, acquires powers (Siddhis) and is loved by his elders.
FRIDAY: A person born on this day, has curly hair, is jolly, intelligent, loves clothes of white and light colours and inclined towards virtuous path.
SATURDAY: If a person is born on this day, he gets affected by premature aging, possesses weak and a feeble body.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on TITHI
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:30 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, TITHI
1) PRATIPADA (1st day of the lunar month): A person, born on the 1st day of the lunar month, has a large family, is a scholar, full of wisdom and discrimination.
Has fair complexion, posseseses wealth in the form of gems and jewellery, is humble, handsome and receives wealth and favours from the king.
2) DWITIYA (2nd day……) : A person, born on this day, is charitable, kind hearted, discriminative, jolly and virtuous.
3) TRITIYA (3rd day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is lusty, scholar, powerful, receives benefits from the king or an authority, resides in foreign countries, clever, sensualist and proudy.
4) CHATURTHI: (4th day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day of the lunar month, is a debtor, brave, efficient in the battles, narrow hearted, a gambler and restless.
5) PANCHAMI (5th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day has healthy body.
Has a happy family life, kind towards animals, receives benefits from the king and is charitable.
6) SHASTHI (6th day the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he is a follower of truth, possesses wealth and a happy family, very brave and clever.
7) SAPTAMEE (7th day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day lives on others' wealth, is a destroyer of his enemies, has tremendous knowledge, appreciates others' good qualities, has large eyes, respects sages and is religious, begets a daughter.
8) ASHTAMEE (8th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is fortunate in having tremendous wealth and sons, fortunate in receiving education with the help of the king and is in restless nature.
9) NAVAMEE (9th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is disinterested in the affairs of friends, talks bitterly, opposes learned people and is without any manners.
10) DASHAMEE (10th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is religious, possesses wealth, has knowledge of many scriptures, generous, humble, handsome and lusty.
11) EKADASHEE (11th day of the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he is a devotee of the deities, and respects the Brahmins, is charitable, pious and virtuous soul and is always jolly.
12) DWADASHEE (12th day the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he loves water, well behaved in his conducts, loves to live in the house constructed by him, gives alms to the poor and receives benefits from the king.
13) TRAYODASHEE (13th day the lunar month): If born on this day, a man is bestowed with beauty, has inclination towards virtuosity, has a long neck, many children, is brave and clever.
14) CHATURDASHEE: (14th day the lunar month): If born on this day, a man is cruel, brave, clever, loves humour, lusty, intolerant, angry and opposes other people.
15) PURNIMA: (Full Moon day): If born on this day, a man is blessed with beauty, acquires wealth by just means, sensualist, kind hearted and possesses many qualities.
16) AMAVASYAL (Dark Moon): If a person is born on this day, he is tranquil, devotee of his father, thinker, suffers severe hardships but acquires wealth ultimately, sensualist and with great qualities.
Has fair complexion, posseseses wealth in the form of gems and jewellery, is humble, handsome and receives wealth and favours from the king.
2) DWITIYA (2nd day……) : A person, born on this day, is charitable, kind hearted, discriminative, jolly and virtuous.
3) TRITIYA (3rd day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is lusty, scholar, powerful, receives benefits from the king or an authority, resides in foreign countries, clever, sensualist and proudy.
4) CHATURTHI: (4th day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day of the lunar month, is a debtor, brave, efficient in the battles, narrow hearted, a gambler and restless.
5) PANCHAMI (5th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day has healthy body.
Has a happy family life, kind towards animals, receives benefits from the king and is charitable.
6) SHASTHI (6th day the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he is a follower of truth, possesses wealth and a happy family, very brave and clever.
7) SAPTAMEE (7th day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day lives on others' wealth, is a destroyer of his enemies, has tremendous knowledge, appreciates others' good qualities, has large eyes, respects sages and is religious, begets a daughter.
8) ASHTAMEE (8th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is fortunate in having tremendous wealth and sons, fortunate in receiving education with the help of the king and is in restless nature.
9) NAVAMEE (9th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is disinterested in the affairs of friends, talks bitterly, opposes learned people and is without any manners.
10) DASHAMEE (10th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is religious, possesses wealth, has knowledge of many scriptures, generous, humble, handsome and lusty.
11) EKADASHEE (11th day of the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he is a devotee of the deities, and respects the Brahmins, is charitable, pious and virtuous soul and is always jolly.
12) DWADASHEE (12th day the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he loves water, well behaved in his conducts, loves to live in the house constructed by him, gives alms to the poor and receives benefits from the king.
13) TRAYODASHEE (13th day the lunar month): If born on this day, a man is bestowed with beauty, has inclination towards virtuosity, has a long neck, many children, is brave and clever.
14) CHATURDASHEE: (14th day the lunar month): If born on this day, a man is cruel, brave, clever, loves humour, lusty, intolerant, angry and opposes other people.
15) PURNIMA: (Full Moon day): If born on this day, a man is blessed with beauty, acquires wealth by just means, sensualist, kind hearted and possesses many qualities.
16) AMAVASYAL (Dark Moon): If a person is born on this day, he is tranquil, devotee of his father, thinker, suffers severe hardships but acquires wealth ultimately, sensualist and with great qualities.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on Time
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:29 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, Time
(Influence Of The Nighttime On The Birth)
A person, in night, has poor eyesight, lusty, suffers due to diseases, is cruel and commits sinful actions without letting anybody know about them.
(Influence Of The Nighttime On The Birth)
A person, in night, has poor eyesight, lusty, suffers due to diseases, is cruel and commits sinful actions without letting anybody know about them.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on PAKSHA
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:28 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, PAKSHA
If a person is born in the Shukla Paksha than is always happy and joyous, enjoys long life, humble has a happy family life, a tender body and passes his time happily and without any tension.
(Influence Of The Dark Half Of The Lunar Month)
A person, born during daytime in the darker phase of the Moon, is brilliant, resembles his father, possesses wealth and honour, has beautiful eyes, receives love and affection from the king, is respected by friends and is rich.
If a person is born in the Shukla Paksha than is always happy and joyous, enjoys long life, humble has a happy family life, a tender body and passes his time happily and without any tension.
(Influence Of The Dark Half Of The Lunar Month)
A person, born during daytime in the darker phase of the Moon, is brilliant, resembles his father, possesses wealth and honour, has beautiful eyes, receives love and affection from the king, is respected by friends and is rich.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on Maasa (Month)
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:27 PM Labels: Horoscope, Maasa, Month, Nature
1) CHAITRA (later part of March till 20th of April): Person born in the month of Chaitra performs virtuous actions, is a scholar, humble, interested in sensual pleasures, loves sweet things, loves friends, is a state minister and discriminative.
2) VAISHAKHA (later part of April till 20th of May): If a person is born in the month of Vaishakha, he possesses the best characteristics, is virtuous, humble, powerful, religious, but lusty and enjoys a long life.
3) JYESTHA (later part of May till 20th of June): If a person is born in the month of Jyestha, he is of ‘Forget and Forgive’ type of person, restless, lives abroad, is brilliant, intelligent and a procastinator.
4) ASHADHA (later part of June till 20th of July): A person born in this month,wastes his time in useless talks , is careless and negligent, respects his teacher, has less appetite, engaged in virtuous actions but very proud.
5) SHRAVANA (later part of July till 20th of August): If a person is born in this month, he obeys his father’s command, enjoys happy and satisfied family life, is famous and full of qualities.
6) BHADRAPADA (later part of August till 20th of September): A person born in this month is rich, possesses a weak body, enjoys a happy family life, and is unaffected by joy and sorrow.
7) AASHWIN (later part of September till 20th of October): If a person is born in this month, he is a scholar, possesses wealth, performs virtuous actions, accepts the good qualities of others, possesses wealth and vehicles.
8) KARTIK (later part of October till 20th of November): A person born in this month performs virtuous deeds, very talkative, rich, brave, lusty, and carries out the business of buying and selling and is very famous.
9) MARGASHIRSHA (later part of November till 20th of December): A person born in this month, loves pilgrimage, is humble, has expertise in art forms, is a sensualist, benevolent, always on the path of virtuousness and rich.
10) PAUSHA (later part of December till 20th of January): A person born in this month is benevolent but not so fortunate to possess ancestral wealth, spends wealth acquired after great hardship, has the ability to conceal his thoughts, is a practitioner of the scriptures and has a weak body.
11) MAGHA (later part of January till 20th of February): A person born in this month, is a practitioner of Yoga, has the knowledge of sacred hymns (mantras), loves to meet religious people and defeats his enemies using his wit.
12) PHALGUNA (later part of February till 20th of March): A person born in this month, is benevolent, efficient in his occupation, kind hearted, powerful, possesses a delicate and tender body, a flirt and talks illogically.
13) ADHIKA MAASA: In all the calendars other than the universal Gregorian calendar, months are counted on the basis of the movement of the Moon. Hindu Panchang also follows Moon's motion in the calculation of months. But a lunar month contains 2 or 3 days less than the standard Gregorian month. Still, Hindu Panchangs have to follow the pattern of 12 months in a year. Thus, the remaining 2 or 3 days keep on adding as additional days. Hence, after every 3 or 4 years, these days assume a magnitude of a month and that year contains 13 instead of 12. This extra month is known as Adhika Maasa. If a person is born in this month, he is uninterested in the sensual pleasures, has inclination towards virtuosity, loves performing pilgrimages, is free of diseases and loved by all.
2) VAISHAKHA (later part of April till 20th of May): If a person is born in the month of Vaishakha, he possesses the best characteristics, is virtuous, humble, powerful, religious, but lusty and enjoys a long life.
3) JYESTHA (later part of May till 20th of June): If a person is born in the month of Jyestha, he is of ‘Forget and Forgive’ type of person, restless, lives abroad, is brilliant, intelligent and a procastinator.
4) ASHADHA (later part of June till 20th of July): A person born in this month,wastes his time in useless talks , is careless and negligent, respects his teacher, has less appetite, engaged in virtuous actions but very proud.
5) SHRAVANA (later part of July till 20th of August): If a person is born in this month, he obeys his father’s command, enjoys happy and satisfied family life, is famous and full of qualities.
6) BHADRAPADA (later part of August till 20th of September): A person born in this month is rich, possesses a weak body, enjoys a happy family life, and is unaffected by joy and sorrow.
7) AASHWIN (later part of September till 20th of October): If a person is born in this month, he is a scholar, possesses wealth, performs virtuous actions, accepts the good qualities of others, possesses wealth and vehicles.
8) KARTIK (later part of October till 20th of November): A person born in this month performs virtuous deeds, very talkative, rich, brave, lusty, and carries out the business of buying and selling and is very famous.
9) MARGASHIRSHA (later part of November till 20th of December): A person born in this month, loves pilgrimage, is humble, has expertise in art forms, is a sensualist, benevolent, always on the path of virtuousness and rich.
10) PAUSHA (later part of December till 20th of January): A person born in this month is benevolent but not so fortunate to possess ancestral wealth, spends wealth acquired after great hardship, has the ability to conceal his thoughts, is a practitioner of the scriptures and has a weak body.
11) MAGHA (later part of January till 20th of February): A person born in this month, is a practitioner of Yoga, has the knowledge of sacred hymns (mantras), loves to meet religious people and defeats his enemies using his wit.
12) PHALGUNA (later part of February till 20th of March): A person born in this month, is benevolent, efficient in his occupation, kind hearted, powerful, possesses a delicate and tender body, a flirt and talks illogically.
13) ADHIKA MAASA: In all the calendars other than the universal Gregorian calendar, months are counted on the basis of the movement of the Moon. Hindu Panchang also follows Moon's motion in the calculation of months. But a lunar month contains 2 or 3 days less than the standard Gregorian month. Still, Hindu Panchangs have to follow the pattern of 12 months in a year. Thus, the remaining 2 or 3 days keep on adding as additional days. Hence, after every 3 or 4 years, these days assume a magnitude of a month and that year contains 13 instead of 12. This extra month is known as Adhika Maasa. If a person is born in this month, he is uninterested in the sensual pleasures, has inclination towards virtuosity, loves performing pilgrimages, is free of diseases and loved by all.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on Rutu(SEASON)
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:26 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, SEASON
1. SPRING SEASON : A person born in the spring season is endowed with beauty and intelligence, is famous, expert in music and arithmetic, follows the teachings of scriptures.
2. SUMMER SEASON : A person born in the summer season is blessed with opulent wealth and fortune, is a lecturer, has long hair, is sensual and is also interested in aquatics.
3. RAINY SEASON : If a person is born in the rainy season, he is a winner, intelligent, is famous and powerful, loves to possess vehicles, is endowed with beauty.
4. AUTUMN SEASON : If a person is born in the autumn season, he has an excess of wind element in his body, is rich, ready to perform his duties all the time. Pious and possesses vehicles.
5. HEMANTA RITU : A person born in this season is clever, generous, full of qualities, religious minded and a philosopher.
6. WINTER SEASON : A person born in winter is a lover of sweetmeats, has excess of appetite , has a happy family life, performs virtuous actions, is handsome and beautiful but short tempered, anger and powerful.
2. SUMMER SEASON : A person born in the summer season is blessed with opulent wealth and fortune, is a lecturer, has long hair, is sensual and is also interested in aquatics.
3. RAINY SEASON : If a person is born in the rainy season, he is a winner, intelligent, is famous and powerful, loves to possess vehicles, is endowed with beauty.
4. AUTUMN SEASON : If a person is born in the autumn season, he has an excess of wind element in his body, is rich, ready to perform his duties all the time. Pious and possesses vehicles.
5. HEMANTA RITU : A person born in this season is clever, generous, full of qualities, religious minded and a philosopher.
6. WINTER SEASON : A person born in winter is a lover of sweetmeats, has excess of appetite , has a happy family life, performs virtuous actions, is handsome and beautiful but short tempered, anger and powerful.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on AYAN
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:25 PM Labels: Ayan, Horoscope, Nature
From the moment of touching the tropic of Capricorn, the Sun moves Northward till it reaches the tropic of Cancer. During its northward movement, which is also called as Uttarayan, the Sun passes through the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.
Similarly from the moment of touching the tropic of Cancer, the Sun begins its southward journey also known as Dakshinayan. During this journey, the Sun passes through the zodiac signs, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
1) UTTARAYANA JANMA PHALA: A person born in Uttarayana is of jolly nature, has a happy family life, lives long, has inclination towards virtuous actions, is generous and has tremendous patience.
2) DAKSHINAYAN JANMA PHALA: A person born in Dakshinayana is a man of glory and distinction, is engaged in farming works, rears animals and has an unbearable nature.
Similarly from the moment of touching the tropic of Cancer, the Sun begins its southward journey also known as Dakshinayan. During this journey, the Sun passes through the zodiac signs, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
1) UTTARAYANA JANMA PHALA: A person born in Uttarayana is of jolly nature, has a happy family life, lives long, has inclination towards virtuous actions, is generous and has tremendous patience.
2) DAKSHINAYAN JANMA PHALA: A person born in Dakshinayana is a man of glory and distinction, is engaged in farming works, rears animals and has an unbearable nature.
Jun Tuesday,
Nature of person based on year of birth - Telugu Years
Posted by Nagesh G at 12:23 PM Labels: Horoscope, Nature, Telugu Years
There are sixty Sanvatsaras in all which are as under:
1) PRABHAVA: A person born in this Sanvatsara possesses many things. He enjoys worldly pleasures, has children and is intelligent.
2) VIBHAVA: A person born in this Sanvatsara enjoys worldly pleasures, is handsome, an artist, the superior person in his family and clan, a learned man and humble.
3) SHUKLA: A person in this Sanvatsara is always joyful, simpleton, blessed with a nice wife and sons, rich, a learned man and humble.
4) PRAMODA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is generous and charitable, endowed with beauty, believer of truth, has tremendous qualities, a helpful nature and efficient in all departments and is also proud.
5) PRAJAPATI: A person in this Sanvatsara is kind, a carrier of traditions of his family, humble, and worshipper of Deities and
6) ANGEERA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is endowed with beauty and happiness. Fortunate, friendly, has many sons, conceals his thoughts and enjoys a long life.
7) SHREEMUKHA: Has knowledge of the sacred books and scriptures, intelligent, powerful and famous.
8) BHAVA: The person is generous at heart, famous, has tremendous qualities, is charitable, jolly and lovable.
9) YUVA: is tall, is of serious nature, is charitable, intelligent, contented and enjoys a long life.
10) DHATRI: respects his teachers, expert in arts and crafts, has knowledge of the scriptures and kind.
11) ISHVARA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is short-tempered. But generally happy, efficient and kind.
12) BAHUDHAANYA: Is clever in business and trade, receives favour from the powerful people, has knowledge of scriptures, charitable and rich.
13) PRAMAATHEE: A person born in this Sanvatsara possesses royal signs, vehicles, has knowledge of scriptures, a defeater of his enemies, is a minister.
14) VIKRAMA: is of violent nature and accomplisher of difficult tasks, is brave.
15) VRISHA: 'Blows his own trumpet', possesses deplorable traits, keeps company of bad and mean people, dirty and lazy.
16) CHITRABHANU: A person born in this Sanvatsara loves expensive clothes and fragrances, fulfiller of his desires and kind.
17) SUBHANU: has curly hair, gentle hearted, blessed with beauty, defeats his enemies and is rich.
18) TAARAN: Cunning, brave but restless, has knowledge of arts, unkind. Does deplorable acts, enjoys pleasures but is poor.
19) PAARTHIVA: Religious minded, has expertise in the scriptures and arts.
20) VYAHA: Aspires for happiness & comfort, an addict, coward, a debtor, restless nature and expenses uselessly.
21) SARVAJEETA: gets respect from the powerful people, enthusiastic, pious, huge body and defeater of his enemy.
22) SARVADHAARI: A person born in this Sanvatsara has many servants in his service, is always in the pursuit of pleasures, possesses beauty, loves sweets, patient and honourable.
23) VIRODHI: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara, he is a lecturer, lives in foreign countries far from his family, quarrels with friends.
24) VIKRITI: Poor, has an ugly appearance, lacks intelligence and is cunning.
25) KHARA: A man born in this Sanvatsara is lustful, has a filthy body, has a very hard nature and talks uselessly. He is also shameless.
26) NANDANA: A person born in this Sanvatsara does social services like digging ponds, wells etc. and charitable. Pious and has a happy family.
27) VIJAYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is brave, gentle, an orator, kind hearted, charitable and a defeater of his enemies.
28) JAYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara gets respect and honour from the common people, destroyer of his enemies, has expertise in the knowledge of scriptures and is attracted by sensual pleasures.
29) MANMATHA: Lover of ornaments, sensualist, speaker of truth, loves songs and dance and is in pursuit of worldly pleasures.
30) DURMUKHA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is cruel. Mean minded, greedy and with bad habits and practices.
31) HEMALAMBA: A person born in this Sanvatsara possesses excellent appearance, vehicles, is rich. He has a happy and contented family life, and an accumulator of things.
32) VILAMBA NAAM: A person born in this Sanvatsara is cunning, greedy, lazy, phlegmatic, weak and a believer in destiny.
33) VIKAARI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is full of prejudice but he is also master of arts, an accumulator, restless, cunning, very talkative and does not trust his friends.
34) SHAARVARI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is expert in buying and selling, is repelled by those friends who are in pursuit of pleasures and is studious.
35) PLAVA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is lusty, conceals his thoughts and restless.
36) SHUBHAKRITA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is very fortunate, humble and possesses knowledge. He enjoys a long life on account of his pure and pious activities and is rich.
37) SHOBHAKRITA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is well advanced in every department, possesses an auspicious quality, is kind, endowed with beauty and is efficient.
38) KRODHI: A person in this Sanvatsara possesses cruel eyes, cruel nature, lovable by women, obstructs others' work.
39) PARAABHAVA: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara, he is an accumulator of little to moderate wealth, talks bitterly, without any manners.
40) VISHVAVASU: A person born in this Sanvatsara is blessed with beautiful wife and obedient sons, generous, patient, loves sweetmeats and possesses many qualities.
41) PLAVANGA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is of restless nature, possesses bad qualities, is cunning and has a frail body.
42) KEELAK SANVATSAR: A person born in this Sanvatsara is of mediocre appearance, is a sweet-talker, kind and a winner.
43) SAUMYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is a learned man, rich, pious has reverence towards the Deities, is hospitable to guests, but possesses a weak body.
44) SAADHARANA: A person born in this Sanvatsara likes to travel , is efficient in writing, has excessive anger, pious and is free from sensual pleasures.
45) VIRODHAKRITA: A person born in this Sanvatsara has excessive anger, is a protester of everything and disobeys his father’s command.
46) PARIDHAVEE: A person born in this Sanvatsara is a learned man, kind hearted, master of arts, intelligent and achieves success in business.
47) PRAMADI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is wicked, proud, quarrels a lot, greedy, poor, possesses little intelligence and performs mean deeds.
48) ANANDA: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara, he has more than one wife, clever, efficient in his occupation, has obedient sons, has sense of indebtedness and is charitable.
49) RAKSHASA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is cruel, performs bad and destructive deeds, quarrelsome, greedy, poor, has little intelligence and mean.
50) NALA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is intelligent, becomes wealthy due to his exploration in under-water gemstones, has a sharp mind in agricultural activities.
51) PINGALA: A person born in this Sanvatsara has yellowish eyes, commits bad deeds, has an unstable income, charitable but talks bitterly.
52) KAALAYUKTA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is worthless in the teaching profession, is cunning, unfortunate and quarrelsome.
53) SIDDHARTHEE: A person born in this Sanvatsara is generous, a winner, endowed with beauty, respectable, rich and copable.
54) RAUDRA: A person born in this Sanvatsara has a horrible appearance, an animal rearer, criticizes others.
55) DURMATI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is of the belief that whatever he does is right; others are wrong, is unhappy, lusty, engaged in irreligious activities and dumb-headed.
56) DUNDUBHI: A person born in this Sanvatsara gets honour and respect from others, has all the comforts of life, like house, vehicle etc. loves fine arts.
57) RUDHIRODGAARI: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara possesses red eyes, has a weak body because of frequent jaundice, has excessive anger, has disfigured nails and has threat to his life.
58) RAKTAKSHI: A person born in this Sanvatsara has a natural tendency towards virtuous actions and religious activities, is jealous of others' successes and suffers from diseases.
59) KRODHANA: A person born in this Sanvatsara obstructs others' work, possesses bad habits and disillusions people.
60) KSHAYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara recklessly spends accumulated wealth, serves others, has a big heart.
1) PRABHAVA: A person born in this Sanvatsara possesses many things. He enjoys worldly pleasures, has children and is intelligent.
2) VIBHAVA: A person born in this Sanvatsara enjoys worldly pleasures, is handsome, an artist, the superior person in his family and clan, a learned man and humble.
3) SHUKLA: A person in this Sanvatsara is always joyful, simpleton, blessed with a nice wife and sons, rich, a learned man and humble.
4) PRAMODA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is generous and charitable, endowed with beauty, believer of truth, has tremendous qualities, a helpful nature and efficient in all departments and is also proud.
5) PRAJAPATI: A person in this Sanvatsara is kind, a carrier of traditions of his family, humble, and worshipper of Deities and
6) ANGEERA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is endowed with beauty and happiness. Fortunate, friendly, has many sons, conceals his thoughts and enjoys a long life.
7) SHREEMUKHA: Has knowledge of the sacred books and scriptures, intelligent, powerful and famous.
8) BHAVA: The person is generous at heart, famous, has tremendous qualities, is charitable, jolly and lovable.
9) YUVA: is tall, is of serious nature, is charitable, intelligent, contented and enjoys a long life.
10) DHATRI: respects his teachers, expert in arts and crafts, has knowledge of the scriptures and kind.
11) ISHVARA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is short-tempered. But generally happy, efficient and kind.
12) BAHUDHAANYA: Is clever in business and trade, receives favour from the powerful people, has knowledge of scriptures, charitable and rich.
13) PRAMAATHEE: A person born in this Sanvatsara possesses royal signs, vehicles, has knowledge of scriptures, a defeater of his enemies, is a minister.
14) VIKRAMA: is of violent nature and accomplisher of difficult tasks, is brave.
15) VRISHA: 'Blows his own trumpet', possesses deplorable traits, keeps company of bad and mean people, dirty and lazy.
16) CHITRABHANU: A person born in this Sanvatsara loves expensive clothes and fragrances, fulfiller of his desires and kind.
17) SUBHANU: has curly hair, gentle hearted, blessed with beauty, defeats his enemies and is rich.
18) TAARAN: Cunning, brave but restless, has knowledge of arts, unkind. Does deplorable acts, enjoys pleasures but is poor.
19) PAARTHIVA: Religious minded, has expertise in the scriptures and arts.
20) VYAHA: Aspires for happiness & comfort, an addict, coward, a debtor, restless nature and expenses uselessly.
21) SARVAJEETA: gets respect from the powerful people, enthusiastic, pious, huge body and defeater of his enemy.
22) SARVADHAARI: A person born in this Sanvatsara has many servants in his service, is always in the pursuit of pleasures, possesses beauty, loves sweets, patient and honourable.
23) VIRODHI: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara, he is a lecturer, lives in foreign countries far from his family, quarrels with friends.
24) VIKRITI: Poor, has an ugly appearance, lacks intelligence and is cunning.
25) KHARA: A man born in this Sanvatsara is lustful, has a filthy body, has a very hard nature and talks uselessly. He is also shameless.
26) NANDANA: A person born in this Sanvatsara does social services like digging ponds, wells etc. and charitable. Pious and has a happy family.
27) VIJAYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is brave, gentle, an orator, kind hearted, charitable and a defeater of his enemies.
28) JAYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara gets respect and honour from the common people, destroyer of his enemies, has expertise in the knowledge of scriptures and is attracted by sensual pleasures.
29) MANMATHA: Lover of ornaments, sensualist, speaker of truth, loves songs and dance and is in pursuit of worldly pleasures.
30) DURMUKHA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is cruel. Mean minded, greedy and with bad habits and practices.
31) HEMALAMBA: A person born in this Sanvatsara possesses excellent appearance, vehicles, is rich. He has a happy and contented family life, and an accumulator of things.
32) VILAMBA NAAM: A person born in this Sanvatsara is cunning, greedy, lazy, phlegmatic, weak and a believer in destiny.
33) VIKAARI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is full of prejudice but he is also master of arts, an accumulator, restless, cunning, very talkative and does not trust his friends.
34) SHAARVARI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is expert in buying and selling, is repelled by those friends who are in pursuit of pleasures and is studious.
35) PLAVA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is lusty, conceals his thoughts and restless.
36) SHUBHAKRITA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is very fortunate, humble and possesses knowledge. He enjoys a long life on account of his pure and pious activities and is rich.
37) SHOBHAKRITA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is well advanced in every department, possesses an auspicious quality, is kind, endowed with beauty and is efficient.
38) KRODHI: A person in this Sanvatsara possesses cruel eyes, cruel nature, lovable by women, obstructs others' work.
39) PARAABHAVA: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara, he is an accumulator of little to moderate wealth, talks bitterly, without any manners.
40) VISHVAVASU: A person born in this Sanvatsara is blessed with beautiful wife and obedient sons, generous, patient, loves sweetmeats and possesses many qualities.
41) PLAVANGA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is of restless nature, possesses bad qualities, is cunning and has a frail body.
42) KEELAK SANVATSAR: A person born in this Sanvatsara is of mediocre appearance, is a sweet-talker, kind and a winner.
43) SAUMYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is a learned man, rich, pious has reverence towards the Deities, is hospitable to guests, but possesses a weak body.
44) SAADHARANA: A person born in this Sanvatsara likes to travel , is efficient in writing, has excessive anger, pious and is free from sensual pleasures.
45) VIRODHAKRITA: A person born in this Sanvatsara has excessive anger, is a protester of everything and disobeys his father’s command.
46) PARIDHAVEE: A person born in this Sanvatsara is a learned man, kind hearted, master of arts, intelligent and achieves success in business.
47) PRAMADI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is wicked, proud, quarrels a lot, greedy, poor, possesses little intelligence and performs mean deeds.
48) ANANDA: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara, he has more than one wife, clever, efficient in his occupation, has obedient sons, has sense of indebtedness and is charitable.
49) RAKSHASA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is cruel, performs bad and destructive deeds, quarrelsome, greedy, poor, has little intelligence and mean.
50) NALA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is intelligent, becomes wealthy due to his exploration in under-water gemstones, has a sharp mind in agricultural activities.
51) PINGALA: A person born in this Sanvatsara has yellowish eyes, commits bad deeds, has an unstable income, charitable but talks bitterly.
52) KAALAYUKTA: A person born in this Sanvatsara is worthless in the teaching profession, is cunning, unfortunate and quarrelsome.
53) SIDDHARTHEE: A person born in this Sanvatsara is generous, a winner, endowed with beauty, respectable, rich and copable.
54) RAUDRA: A person born in this Sanvatsara has a horrible appearance, an animal rearer, criticizes others.
55) DURMATI: A person born in this Sanvatsara is of the belief that whatever he does is right; others are wrong, is unhappy, lusty, engaged in irreligious activities and dumb-headed.
56) DUNDUBHI: A person born in this Sanvatsara gets honour and respect from others, has all the comforts of life, like house, vehicle etc. loves fine arts.
57) RUDHIRODGAARI: If a person is born in this Sanvatsara possesses red eyes, has a weak body because of frequent jaundice, has excessive anger, has disfigured nails and has threat to his life.
58) RAKTAKSHI: A person born in this Sanvatsara has a natural tendency towards virtuous actions and religious activities, is jealous of others' successes and suffers from diseases.
59) KRODHANA: A person born in this Sanvatsara obstructs others' work, possesses bad habits and disillusions people.
60) KSHAYA: A person born in this Sanvatsara recklessly spends accumulated wealth, serves others, has a big heart.
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