Nature of person based on TITHI

1) PRATIPADA (1st day of the lunar month): A person, born on the 1st day of the lunar month, has a large family, is a scholar, full of wisdom and discrimination.

Has fair complexion, posseseses wealth in the form of gems and jewellery, is humble, handsome and receives wealth and favours from the king.

2) DWITIYA (2nd day……) : A person, born on this day, is charitable, kind hearted, discriminative, jolly and virtuous.

3) TRITIYA (3rd day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is lusty, scholar, powerful, receives benefits from the king or an authority, resides in foreign countries, clever, sensualist and proudy.

4) CHATURTHI: (4th day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day of the lunar month, is a debtor, brave, efficient in the battles, narrow hearted, a gambler and restless.

5) PANCHAMI (5th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day has healthy body.

Has a happy family life, kind towards animals, receives benefits from the king and is charitable.

6) SHASTHI (6th day the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he is a follower of truth, possesses wealth and a happy family, very brave and clever.

7) SAPTAMEE (7th day of the lunar month): A person, born on this day lives on others' wealth, is a destroyer of his enemies, has tremendous knowledge, appreciates others' good qualities, has large eyes, respects sages and is religious, begets a daughter.

8) ASHTAMEE (8th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is fortunate in having tremendous wealth and sons, fortunate in receiving education with the help of the king and is in restless nature.

9) NAVAMEE (9th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is disinterested in the affairs of friends, talks bitterly, opposes learned people and is without any manners.

10) DASHAMEE (10th day the lunar month): A person, born on this day, is religious, possesses wealth, has knowledge of many scriptures, generous, humble, handsome and lusty.

11) EKADASHEE (11th day of the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he is a devotee of the deities, and respects the Brahmins, is charitable, pious and virtuous soul and is always jolly.

12) DWADASHEE (12th day the lunar month): If a person is born on this day, he loves water, well behaved in his conducts, loves to live in the house constructed by him, gives alms to the poor and receives benefits from the king.

13) TRAYODASHEE (13th day the lunar month): If born on this day, a man is bestowed with beauty, has inclination towards virtuosity, has a long neck, many children, is brave and clever.

14) CHATURDASHEE: (14th day the lunar month): If born on this day, a man is cruel, brave, clever, loves humour, lusty, intolerant, angry and opposes other people.

15) PURNIMA: (Full Moon day): If born on this day, a man is blessed with beauty, acquires wealth by just means, sensualist, kind hearted and possesses many qualities.

16) AMAVASYAL (Dark Moon): If a person is born on this day, he is tranquil, devotee of his father, thinker, suffers severe hardships but acquires wealth ultimately, sensualist and with great qualities.


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