YOGA PHALA - Forecast By The Help Of Different Yoga (Combinations)
1) VISHAKUMBHA PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, has a happy and satisfied family life, is of independent nature and cares for his physical appearance.
2) PREETI Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is an excellent orator, is blessed with beauty, charitable, is of jolly nature and is a virtuous man feels happy seeing others happy.
3) AAYUSHMAAN Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, likes to travel, endeavors to search for the different possibilities of earning his livelihood, and enjoys a long life.
4) SAUBHAGYA Yoga PHALA: If a person is born in this Yoga, he is rich, has tremendous knowledge, follows virtuous paths and is fortunate but proud.
5) SHOBHANA Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is endowed with beauty, has presence of mind, is intelligent and always on the path of virtuosity.
6) ATIGANDA Yoga PHALA: A person, born in this Yoga, is very arrogant, is afflicted by pain in his throat, cunning, a quarrelsome and a hypocrite.
7) SUKARMA Yoga: A person born in this Yoga is of jolly nature, master of arts, brave, an enthusiast, a benefactor and follows the path of virtuosity.
8) DHRITIYoga: A person born in this Yoga has knowledge, loves to live happily, humble with patience and follows routine life.
9) SHOOLA Yoga: A person, born in theis Yoga, is poor, suffers form diseases, does evil deeds, an idiot and suffers from colic in his stomach or rheumatic pain.
10) GANDA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is unhelping, has rough and hard nature and has excessive anger.
11) VRIDDHI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is an accumulator of things, makes profit in his business is clever and fortunate.
12) DHRUVA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is blessed by goddess Laxmi as well as by Saraswati, has knowledge and unblemished fame.
13) VYAAGHAAT Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is cruel, a liar is abusive and calumniator and is of violent nature.
14) HARKHANA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, has a delicate and tender body, interested in the study of sacred books, loves ornaments and an annihilator of his enemies.
15) SIDDHI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is of generous heart, clever, has a sweet and soft behaviour, believes in sacred texts, is fortunate and has the knowledge of the self.
16) VAJRA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is intelligent, powerful speaks the truth, has the ability to judge the authenticity of the jewels, and loves ornaments.
17) VYATIPAAT Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, obeys his parents, is inflicted with veneral diseases, rough and hard natured and always tries to obstruct others' efforts.
18) VARREYAN Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is a sensualist, humble, spends free- handedly inspite of possessing little wealth and is inclined towards virtuosity.
19) PAREEGHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, gives false witness, bails out many people from the prison, has little hunger and defeats his enemy.
20) SHIVA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, has knowledge of the sacred hymns, has his sense organs under control, blessed with beauty, is fortunate and is blessed by the Lord Shiva.
21) SIDDHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has his sense organs under control, efficient in every faculty and an accomplisher of many tasks.
22) SAADHYA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is humble, clever, jolly, efficient in his occupation, always a winner, and attains the blessings of his deity with the powers of mantras.
23) SHUBHA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is virtuous, soft-spoken and a preacher of virtuosity.
24) SHUKLA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, speaks truth, has full control over his sense organs, has power and strength, is an efficient debator and a winner in the battle.
25) BRAHMA Yoga: A person, born in Brahma Yoga, is very studious, a follower of virtuous path, respectable, has tranquility and peace of mind, is generous.
26) ENDRA Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is powerful, radiant, has excess of phlegm in his body and the best person in his family.
27) VAIDHRITI Yoga: A person, born in this Yoga, is of restless nature, condemns order, is cruel, a believer in the sayings of the sacred books yet possesses dirty thoughts and heart.
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Unknown | January 24, 2019 at 10:56 AM
Please let me know the remedy for Atigand yoga
Anonymous | January 26, 2019 at 5:49 AM
i like to know more about siddhi yoga and siddha yoga.