There are many means, which helps in making predictions or help in understanding the 'PLALITA' (foretelling the future with the help of the positions of the planet in the twelve houses of the birth chart) branch of astrology.
Nakshatra (Constellation) is one of the means to understand it, because even the planets are powerful or powerless or weak due to the effects of the Nakshatras. There are 28 Nakshatras in all.
1) ASHWINEE: A person born in this Nakshatra is inclined towards serving others, is humble by nature, is truthful, has a contented family life.
2) BHARANEE: If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he is cruel, ungrateful and no sense of indebtness, achieves notoriety, fears water,is restless and wicked.
3) KRITIKA: A person born in this Nakshatra is brilliant and radiant, a learned man, clever, possesses wealth, accomplishes seemingly impossible tasks.
4) ROHINEE: A person born in this Nakshatra is efficient in religious activities, earns his livelihood through agricultural occupation, is endowed with beauty, is a master-conversationalist, a genius and efficient in arts.
5) MRIGASHIRA: A person born in this Nakshatra is a sharp shooter, loved by the king and follows virtuous path.
6) AARDRA: A person born is this Nakshatra has a great appetite, is of restless nature and cruel.
7) PUNARVASU: A person born in this Nakshatra has numerous friends, is a practitioner of sacred texts and scriptures, possesses gems, jewels and ornaments etc. and is charitable.
8) POOSHYA: If a person is born in this Nakshatra, he has a healthy body, obeys his parents, religious, humble, fortunate and possesses wealth and vehicles etc.
9) AASHLESHA: A person born in 'Aashlesha Nakshatra' is a born wanderer i.e. travels unnecessarily, wicked, causes anguish to others, spends his wealth for evil purposes, and is a sensualist.
(i) If a person is born in the first part of this Nakshatra, he is impotent.
(ii) If a person is born in the second part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, he is a servant always serving others.
(iii) If a person is born in the third part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, he suffers from diseases.
(iv) A person born in the fourth part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra, though fortunate, has a few years of his life cut short because of a 'GANDA' (inauspicious combination of the Nakshatras) at the end of this Nakshatra.
Therefore, irrespective of the part of the Aashlesha Nakshatra in which a person is born, an effort should be made to pacify this Nakshatra by performing the required rites.
10) MAGHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is strong-hearted, respects his father, is a learned man, intelligent and is a winner.
11) PURVA PHALGUNI: A person born in this Nakshatra is very brave, fosters many people, clever but cunning, lusty and rough.
12) UTTARA PHALGUNI: A person born in this Nakshatra is charitable, kind hearted, possesses patience, and achieves fame.
13) HASTA: A person born in this Nakshatra is famous, is religious minded, respects Brahmins and learned people and possesses wealth.
14) CHITRA: A person born in this Nakshatra defeats his enemies gallantly, is an expert in politics and has extraordinary intelligence.
15) SWATI: A person born in this Nakshatra is endowed with tremendous beauty, flirts with many women, is jolly and receives wealth from the king.
16) VISHAKHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is religious minded having inclination towards performing rites and rituals etc., is of unstable nature and unfriendly.
17) ANURADHA: A person born in this Nakshatra possesses lustre and splendour, achieves fame, is enthusiastic, a destroyer of his enemies, an expert in many forms of arts and a sensualist.
(i) If a person is born in the first part of this Nakshatra, he is full of lustre and splendour, achieves fame and greatness, is rich, brave, a hero and an excellent conversationalist.
(ii) If born in the second part, he is of very cruel nature and quarelling nature.
(iii) If born in the third part, he follows the evil path.
(v) Although a person born in the fourth part, has many sons, but because of the influence of the 'Ganda Nakshatra', it causes anguish and pain.
Therefore it is necessary to pacify the planets by performing the required rituals and rites.
Except the fourth part, the initial three parts of this Nakshatra are considered as inauspicious and a person born in these periods causes destruction to his family as follows:
1. If born in the first part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to his father.
2. If born in the second part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to his mother.
3. If born in the third part of the Moola Nakshatra, he causes loss to the family wealth.
20) SHRAVANI: A person born in this Nakshatra is well versed in the sacred texts and scriptures, has many sons and friends, and destroys his enemies.
21) DHANISHTHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is of excellent behaviour, practical, rich, powerful and kind hearted.
22) SATBHISHA: A person born in this Nakshatra is brave, clever and destroys his enemies.
23) POORVA BHADRAPADA: A person born in this Nakshatra has full control over his sense organs, is intelligent, an expert in all art forms, and destroys his enemies.
24) UTTARA BHADRAPADA: A person born in this Nakshatra is rich and famous,and follows the virtuous path.
25) REVATI: A person born in this Nakshatra has amicable nature, controls his senses, acquires wealth by just means and possesses sharp intelligence.
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- Nature of person based on RASHI
- Nature of person based on LAGNA
- Nature of person based on Yoni
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- Nature of person based on KARANA
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- Nature of person based on NAKSHATRA(Star) of Birth
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Nikil Kumar | August 8, 2017 at 10:37 PM
Good blog,good and useful information, click the links to see the best astrologer.
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