Nature of person based on RASHI

RASHI PHALA Forecast Prediction Based On Zodiac Signs
(By The Help Of First Letters Of The Name)

1) ARIES- (CHOO, CHE, CHO, LAA, LEE, LOO, LE, LO, A): People, whose name starts with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Aries. An Arien has restless and shifty eyes, is inflicted with diseases, protects religion, unfaithful, respected by the king, gives pleasures to his wife, charitable, fears rivers, ponds etc., hard working, is full of tranquility in his old age.

2) TAURUS- (EE, UU, AE, O, VAA, BEE, VOO, VE and VO): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac sign of Taurus. A Taurean person is charitable, sensualist, pious, virtuous, valiant, wealthy, a seeker of sensual pleasures, is full of radiance and has good friends.

3) GEMINI – (KAA, KI, KOO, GHA, ANGA, CHHA, KE, KO, HA): People, whose names start with any of the above mentioned letters fall under the zodiac of Gemini. A Geminian person has a melodious voice, talks sweetly, has restless eyes, is kind hearted, very lusty, is prone to suffer from the throat diseases, famous, wealthy, is fair complexioned and tall, clever orator, genius, is of firm resolution, efficient in work, and remains judicious in every situation.

4) CANCER- (HEE, HOO, HE, HO, DAA, DEE, DOO, DE DO): People whose names start with any of the above mentioned letters fall under the zodiac sign of Cancer. A Cancerian person is engaged in his works, is wealthy, has patience, serves his teacher, suffers from pain in his head, very clever, has a frail body, lives in a foreign land, sorrowful, keeps good company, has a high degree of intelligence.

5) LEO – (MA, MEE, MOO, ME, MO, TA, TEE, TOO, TE): Those people whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac sign of Leo. A Leon person forgives easily, loves to travel, likes to eat non-veg. food, is full of fear, keeps good company, is humble, has excessive anger, devoted to his parents and achieves fame.

6) VIRGO- (TO, PA, PEE, POO, SHA, NA, THHA, PE, PO): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Virgo. A Virgoan person is a sensualist, respects the virtuous people, religious, clever, charitable, poet, follower of the Vedas, lover of humanity, interested in dance and music, likes to travel, and is troubled by his wife.

7) LIBRA- (RA, REE, ROO, RE, RO, TAA, TEE, TOO, TE): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Libra. A Libran person gets angry unnecessarily, is mournful, talks sweetly, kind hearted, has restless eyes, mixed fortunes, authority inside the house but powerless outside, a devotee and likes to travel.

8) SCORPIO- (TO, NA, NEE, NOO, NE, NO, YAA, YEE, YOU): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Scorpio. A Scorpion is a traveller from his childhood, has yellow eyes, lusty, proud, behaves roughly with his relatives, acquires wealth through hard work, and is wicked towards his mother.

9) SAGITTARIUS- (YE, YO, BHA, BHEE, BHOO, DHAA, FAA, DHAA, DHE): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the sign of Sagittarius. A Sagittarin is of steady intelligence, pious and virtuous, has a loving nature, has knowledge of fine arts like drawing and painting, science, is wealthy, has a wife full of good qualities, sweet-talker, has a heavy physique and in some rare cases, a destroyer of his family.

10) CAPRICORN- (BHO, JA, JEE, KHEE, KHE, KHO, GA, GEE, KHOO): People, whose names begin with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Capricorn. A Capricornian has the least importance and value in his family, is under the influence of his wife, scholar, undertakes charitable work, respects his mother, is wealthy, has obedient servants, is kind hearted, has a large family, and lot of worries also.

11) AQUARIUS- (GOO, GE, GO, SAA, SI, SOO, SE, SO, DA): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Aquarius. An Aquarian is charitable, lazy, benevolent, owns the most expensive vehicles, wealthy, is blessed with beautiful eyes, has a simple nature. He endeavors to acquire wealth and knowledge, achieves fame on account of his virtuosity and kindness, is fearless and enjoys his wealth

12) PISCES- (DEE, DOO, THA, JHA, INYAN, DE, DO, CHAA, CHEE): People, whose names start with the above mentioned letters, fall under the zodiac of Pisces. A Piscian is of serious nature, brave, talks cleverly, but often has excessive anger, tight-fisted, loved by his family, a devotee, a very fast walker, efficient in charity and knowledge, virtuous and receives affection and love from his friends and family members.


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